Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Virtual Stan

I don’t remember exactly when—but it was around 20 years ago—Back in 2005, * Rob Weychert turned his (and our) pal Jason Santa Maria into a talking head of Jason’s alter-ego, Virtual Stan. Stan had a backstory, which I don’t fully remember, plus a robot pal called Zorthron.

Rob Weychert’s Virtual Stan

Those of us who were around at the time loved Virtual Stan a lot and Jeffrey even played it on the big screen at one of his first conferences.

Rob developed Virtual Stan with Flash, so when that faded away, so did Stan. Thanks to the open source Flash Player emulator Ruffle, you can enjoy Virtual Stan as we did.

Go to Virtual Stan

Update:I managed to dig out Jason’s orginal blog post about Virtual Stan, from January 11, 2005.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with fun .

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